Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Anthony Anderson goes shopping for Depends
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[ # ] Anthony Anderson goes shopping for Depends
October 20th, 2020 under Anthony Anderson

Anthony Anderson went to CVS yesterday to buy some Depends. There is a crucial reason why he shared this journey with us. The black-ish actor is afraid of explosive poop-ish while he sleeps. Not every night, just last night. That is because he is going for a colonoscopy today, and he drank that drink.

That was last night; this morning, he is getting the procedure done at USC. The actor is doing a video diary of the experience. Why is he is being as open as his butthole will be? He said, “I suggest all men especially men of color get this done. I say at age 45. By check with your doctor! Health is wealth!”

It is not a fun 24 hours for anyone, but it is worth it if they catch colon cancer early. You can also have peace of mind if they find nothing or precancerous polyps. They can remove the latter while they are in there.

Colonoscopies and the side effects are nothing to be embarrassed about. We will all get one. Thanks to people like Anderson for normalizing it.

UPDATE: Anthony Anderson gave an update, and said, “Clean bill of health. No polyps! Thank you to the doctors at USC KECK Medical center!”

Now he is in the clear for 10 years. Hopefully, those Depends will last that long. Do they?


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