Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Another Wacko Jacko story…
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[ # ] Another Wacko Jacko story…
June 19th, 2006 under Lawsuits, The Jacksons

Ex-Pal Sues Michael Jackson

One man noticeably missing from the Michael Jackson molestation trial — in which the debt-laden super star was acquitted of child molestation charges — was Michael’s longtime — and now ex-confidante — Marc Schaffel.

Now, Schaffel, a former porn film producer, is finally speaking out on the things he saw as part of Michael’s inner circle.

"Did you ever see anything inappropriate go on between Michael Jackson and a little boy?" Access’ Tony Potts asked.

"He thinks I would say it’s not an alley I really want to go down right now," Marc told Tony. "I don’t believe it to be in Michael’s best interest to be gallivanting around orphanages with tons of kids running around even for public speculation, let alone his own."

Marc is a former business associate and best friend of Michael’s. They’ve been close since the late 1990s – so close, that back in 2002, Marc’s father got a personal birthday message from Michael:

"Happy birthday! This is Michael Jackson calling to say have a wonderful, magical, lovely day today," said Michael, on the recording.

Michael trusted Marc so much that after the devastating Martin Bashir documentary that tarnishedMichael’s image, the popstar askedSchaffelto produce two, now infamous,rebuttal specials in 2003.

But like most of Michael’s associates, the relationship took a turn for the worse.

Now, Marc is suing Michael for more than $3 million in what he claims are unpaid fees from the specials, as well as personal loans.

"In your lawsuit it does state that (Michael’s) inability to handle his drugs and alcohol would lend him at times to call you in the middle of the night with outrageous demands for cash and money and what have you," Tony said. "What kind of drugs?"

"Liquor, pills, sleeping pills, Zantac’s pain killers, things along those lines," Marc told Tony.

"A lot of prescribed drugs?" Tony asked.

"Many, many, prescribed drugs," Marc said.

"Firsthand knowledge? Cocaine? Any of the hard drugs?" Tony asked.

"No comment," Marc said.

But Marc did reveala shocking allegation about Michael’s nose to Access.

"Realistically, Michael Jackson really doesn’t have a nose?" Tony asked.

"He has holes on the side of his nose, which, you know, during times when his nose isn’t completely covered, you know, will make a wheezing sound through the nose, and that’s been heard quite a bit," Marc explained.

What about the surgeries?

"We know that he has had work," Tony said.

"He’s had work," Marc said. "I mean nobody obviously would put themselves in a position to have their nose be like that, where you have to have it taped up or use putty on it," Marc said.

"So, Michael Jackson would have to tape it up, as you say or putty it to make it look somewhat normal?" Tony asked.

"Yeah," Marc said. "There is obviously no doubt about that."

And as for Michael’s extravagant spending sprees, according to Schaffel, other people often paid the bills.

"Michael obviously shops quite a bit," Marc told Tony. "Michael likes to do things. Michael doesn’t have access through his normal channels. Michael doesn’t carry credit cards.

"Does he carry cash?" Tony asked.

"He carries cash when somebody gives him cash," Marc said.



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