Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Another failed show for Alicia Silverstone?
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[ # ] Another failed show for Alicia Silverstone?
November 6th, 2006 under NBC

NBC is looking to cut back the order of midseason comedy series "The Singles Table," sources said. The 20th Century Fox TV-produced show, originally picked up for 13 episodes, has now been asked to produce six half-hours. Five episodes, including the pilot, have already been completed. "Singles," from writers-executive producers Bill Martin and Mike Schiff, is a single-camera comedy revolving around five strangers who bond after sitting together at the singles table at a mutual friend’s wedding. The show’s cast includes John Cho, Jarrad Paul and late addition Alicia Silverstone. Observers noted that an episode order cutback would be pricey for NBC given the international sales already in place for the show and the episode fee guarantees associated with high-level talent like Silverstone.

Hollywood Reporter 

Sounds like this show is not that good if they cut the order.


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