Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Another day, another disgusting Mel Gibson phone call
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[ # ] Another day, another disgusting Mel Gibson phone call
July 13th, 2010 under Mel Gibson

For the third business day in a row RadarOnline has released another shocking phone call from Mel Gibson to his baby mamma Oksana Grigorieva. This one is pretty much the same as the others, but his last words on the call left my mouth wide open. It ended with Mel finally letting her go take of their crying baby and him saying, “Go look after my child!” She fought back with, “She’s my child too.” But before he hung up he told her, “Yeah I know, unfortunately you c*nt whore! I hope she doesn’t turn out like you!” Wow, I think most of us can agree we really hope she doesn’t turn like him.
BTW after listening to all of these phone calls, we all desperately need a laugh so here is the very very very NSFW Mel Gibson/Christian Bale mashup we have all been waiting for and it was worth the wait. I have never heard the word f*ck some many times, and I haven’t laughed that hard in a really long time!

via ONTD


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