Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Anne Hathaway as Judy Garland
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[ # ] Anne Hathaway as Judy Garland
March 23rd, 2009 under Anne Hathaway

Anne Hathway is going to play Judy Garland in the Weinstein Co’s biopic Get Happy on the big screen and on Broadway according to The Hollywood Reporter.

The project, which has not yet signed a writer or director, will be based on Gerald Clarke’s biography of the same name, which TWC recently optioned. Clarke draws on numerous real-life sources to tell the life story of Garland, who began singing and acting as a toddler and continued doing so all the way through her premature death at the age of 47.
Garland led a life filled with talent but also tumult, starring and singing in a host of studio musicals and other pictures, as well as giving iconic performances on stages in New York and London. She also struggled with addiction and endured a series of relationship dramas.

While I love Anne Hathaway, I am not sure this is the role for her. I just think there is something too sweet about her to capture who Judy Garland was, you know? And THR also brought up there is another problem about her playing the role…Anne is 5’8″ while Judy was only 5″. That will be an interesting obstacle for the director to overcome.
What do you think of Anne Hathaway as Judy Garland? Who would you cast in the role if you could cast it?


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