Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Animals watching TV is more entertaining than watching TV
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[ # ] Animals watching TV is more entertaining than watching TV
October 22nd, 2018 under Animals

Those of us who walk on two legs, love to watch TV. But do our four-legged friends like it too? The Pet Collective posted a video of cats, dogs, raccoons and a few others watching television and they are just as addicted as.

Some like to scratch at the screen, while others choose to bark, a few just sit there, one did not approve, an owl was not going to share the remote and the last one could not understand why the ball that the guy was hurling on the screen was nowhere to be found.

I used to try to get my late cat to watch TV, but the only things she enjoyed were horror movies with killer pussies or kitties behaving badly. I figured it was safer not to watch those anymore when she was around.


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