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[ # ] Andy Summers opens up about The Police tour and more…
April 9th, 2007 under The Police

When it comes to The Police, I always think of Andy Summers as the quiet one, largely because Sting is Sting and I have seen Stewart Copeland in person several times. So I find it interesting the one opening up about how things are going on with the reunion tour is Andy Summers. Ever since I saw (the best documentary ever) Everyone Stares: The Police Inside Out, I thought of Andy was the quiet one, guess I was wrong. 

As I expected the tour is not going off so smoothly between the three men according to an interview Andy did with Female First, "We are a rock band, so by definition you have to be somewhat at the edge of battle with each other. It lends to the right kind of tension in the music. You've got to have this slightly oil-water situation. I feel like I am going into battle with this tour. I need to strap on psychic armour." Andy also talked about how they broke-up or ended the first time, "The wound wouldn't heal because there was no 'this is the last album, this is the farewell tour.' I do not ever remember us sitting down and formally saying, 'This is the end of the band.' We just went away and didn't come back. After a while I couldn't lie anymore. I knew we weren't coming back." The cause of their split was rumored in The Police box set that came out about 10 years ago, but was never confirmed. Seems we are learning more about the split now that they are back together. So what brought them back together this time around according to Andy, "I had dreams about us playing together again. I never stopped thinking about Sting or Stewart. We are always going to be bonded. When I saw Sting recently there was a flow between us that made me think something had shifted." I just hope these 3 can remain together throughout the tour or at least through LA! Just in case by some miracle I can actually get some tickets to see one of my favorite bands perform live, something I never thought would happen!


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