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[ # ] Anderson Cooper eats babies?
January 31st, 2021 under Anderson Cooper
Anderson Cooper spoke to a former QAnon follower, and the CNN news anchor learned what conspiracy theories they believe about him.

Cooper asked Jitarth Jadeja if he believed that high-ranking Democrats drank babies’ blood. “Anderson, I thought you did that. And I would like to apologize for that right now. So, I apologize for thinking that you ate babies But, yeah, 100%,” the guest replied. He also believed that Cooper was a robot.

That was not all he believed when he was a follower of Q. “I didn’t just believe that. I at one stage believed that QAnon was part of military intelligence, which is what he says but on top of that, that the people behind him were actually a group of fifth-dimensional intra-dimensional extra terrestrial bi-pedal bird aliens called Blue Avians,” he explained.

Even though Jadeja stopped following Q in 2019, he still reads what they post. He says they still believe all of that about Cooper. Do you believe it? It would explain why he is so pale. He is not getting enough blood from babies to give his skin that pinkish hue.


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