So Family Feud asked 100 married women, “What does your husband do when runs out of clean underwear?” Sounds like a safe question, right? Well when Steve Harvey asked Marleen that question, she yelled into the mic “He wears a pair of mine!” Her hubby was standing next to her and was doing everything in his power to say that he doesn’t and kill that answer, but the damage was done. Now everyone knows that he wears his wife panties when he doesn’t have any clean ones left. So did they get the points? Believe it or not, it was not on the board.
So how did the blushing groom respond the question, he said “Steve, he washes them.” And ladies and gentlemen that was the #1 answer! So at least he got vindication, even though his image in his community was forever ruined.
BTW can you imagine what their ride back to the hotel was like?