Seriously? OMG! WTF? » American Idol’s Top 12 perform tonight
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[ # ] American Idol’s Top 12 perform tonight
March 16th, 2010 under American Idol 9+

(photo from Fox)

Finally after months of waiting, tonight at 8p the Top 12 perform songs from The Rolling Stones on Fox’s American Idol. They are Bottom Row L-R: Lacey Brown, Katie Stevens and Lee Dewyze. Middle Row L-R: Tim Urban, Andrew Garcia, Crystal Bowersox and Paige Miles. Top Row L-R: Casey James, Aaron Kelly, Didi Benami, Siobhan Magnus and Michael Lynche. CR: Michael Becker, just in case you still don’t know who they are. At this point in the competition it looks like Crystal Bowersox is the one to beat, but she could get boring fast if she sings the same type of song week after week. Really when it comes down to it, this is the worst group of singers to make it this far which makes me wonder if Paula Abdul was the one who really saw who had the potential of being the next Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood. So far Ellen DeGeneres has proven to be dud by just telling the singers what they should sing and they were really good. On a positive note at least she hasn’t been as cheesy as she was when she judged on So You Think You Can Dance. Kara DioGuardi has gotten a little better, but she is still unwatchable. Randy Jackson is the same old dog. And Simon Cowell has one foot out the door and another body part with his fiancee’…his heart, get your mind out of my normal gutter! Am I the only who thinks this season was over as soon as we heard Pants on the Ground? It was like William Hung all over again.


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