Seriously? OMG! WTF? » American Idol finally names its judges
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[ # ] American Idol finally names its judges
September 16th, 2012 under American Idol 9+

American Idol started auditions today and before they did they finally announced who would be on their judging panel. We already knew Mariah Carey was joining the show, and today AI said her manager Randy Jackson, who is the original besides Ryan Seacrest to still be on the show, will be back again. But there are two new names on the panel and they are the people that have been rumored for weeks. In case you haven’t heard it will be Nicki Minaj and Keith Urban and they are not enough to get me to watch the show again.
Anyone who is over the age to audition for the show will think, why Nicki Minaj? She is the much less talented version of Lady Gaga, who can’t sing and is known for her outrageous looks. To me she brings no cred to the show.
Now when it comes to Keith Urban I know he has a lot of country hits to his name and that is he’s married to Nicole Kidman, but other than that I know nothing. He comes off as boring to me, so I am not sure what he will bring to the show.
When it comes to having four judges, I guess they didn’t learn it doesn’t work. It is too many people trying to get their opinions in and none of them will say anything worthwhile. Especially since I am sure Nicki, Mariah and Randy will all try to make sure they say they most.
If I were Mariah, I would be pissed because Fox blew a great opportunity. She was a good get, but the rest are not.
At least Fox still has The X Factor going strong, oh wait…


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