Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Alphas gets a new member tonight
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[ # ] Alphas gets a new member tonight
August 6th, 2012 under Syfy

So I guess last week when Nina said she was leaving Alphas, she meant it because tonight at 10p Erin Way joins the cast of the Syfy show. Way plays Kat an Alpha who can pick up anyone’s ability at the cost of her own memories. It will be interesting to see what her addition will bring to the show.
And what is also interesting during tonight’s episode is we get to find out more about Stanton Parish (guest star John Pyper-Ferguson) and his origin that really dates back to 1864. The best part of his story comes towards the end of the show where we will get Parish’s biggest reveal and it so shocking you don’t want to miss it.


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