Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Adam Sandler to guest on King of Queens
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[ # ] Adam Sandler to guest on King of Queens
February 19th, 2007 under Adam Sandler, CBS

A little birdie with ties to the soon-to-conclude sitcom tells me that Adam Sandler taped a guest appearance last night for an episode slated to air in April. The erstwhile Billy Madison plays a goofy high-school chum of Kevin James’. The two reconnect at their class reunion, but there’s a twist: Sandler’s character, the ex-class clown, is now the school’s vice principal! How’d producers pull off such a casting coup? Reps for the show declined to comment, but it’s a safe bet that Sandler did it as a favor to James, his costar in the upcoming gay-buddy comedy I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry. Just a hunch. Queens, meanwhile, returns to CBS’ sked Apr. 9 with the first of the series’ seven final episodes.

Michael Ausiello 

That episode will be the first time in a long time that show with actually get viewers under 65.


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