Seriously? OMG! WTF? » ABC thinks that Katie Couric needs General Hospital as a lead-in?
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[ # ] ABC thinks that Katie Couric needs General Hospital as a lead-in?
June 26th, 2012 under ABC

For years General Hospital has closed out ABC’s daytime block, but come September 10th that is all going change. The alphabet network announced today that the lone soap opera will air an hour earlier and then it will be followed by Katie Couric’s latest failure, I mean talk show. I guess ABC feels that GH is a stronger lead in for Katie then that other talk show they added to their lineup to replace All My Children and One Life to Live. I mean they invested enough in the news anchor’s show that they need it to do well and not fail like her CBS newscast. It still blows my mind why they are giving her so much money to host a talk show when she hasn’t proven to be successful on her own. I would say I wish them luck, but I would be lying. Even though I didn’t watch AMC and OLTL I support daytime dramas and not talk shows, so I want the latter to do poorly so they can regret their stupid decision.


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