Seriously? OMG! WTF? » ABC cuts the What About Brian order
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[ # ] ABC cuts the What About Brian order
February 19th, 2007 under ABC


An ABC spokesperson confirms for that J.J. Abrams’ What About Brian will now air only 19 episodes this season, as opposed to 22. The rep, though, stresses that the abbreviated run is "no reflection on the show in any way." Rather, "ABC had no room on the schedule for those [three episodes], so it was decided to pull back."

TV Guide (story) and What About Brian (photo)

Seriously this show is amazing! Right now they are doing a storyline about the daughter of two of the characters being diagnosed as deaf and they are figuring out how to deal with it. It is so touching and it would be great to see a show be able to tackle the topic for the long term. Hint hint ABC, don’t cancel the show. 


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