Seriously? OMG! WTF? » ABC cancels Roseanne over her racist tweet
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[ # ] ABC cancels Roseanne over her racist tweet
May 29th, 2018 under Roseanne

So I when I started writing this story, it was about Wanda Sykes quitting Roseanne. Turns out she was just the pebble in the ocean because ABC cancelled the show. Channing Dungey, president, ABC Entertainment released this statement, “Roseanne’s Twitter statement is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values, and we have decided to cancel her show.”

I am completely blown away. Roseanne was TV’s #1 show and ABC needed a hit. They had one in her show. You would have thought that they would have stayed with it and say screw the controversy. I guess not. My hat is off to ABC. They rightfully took a stand against hate and they are going to pay a big price for it. Yet they don’t care.

Although the way the sitcom was dropping in the ratings, I would assume they saw those numbers coming down the earth and would not be worth their hefty salaries. But it leaves them with a huge hole in their lineup. A HUGE HOLE!

What show will they get to replace to Roseanne, we don’t know, but their new comedies are not strong so I wish them luck.

Back to the original story:

Hours after Roseanne tweeted this “Muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj,” about Barack Obama’s White House adviser Valerie Jarrett, who is African-American. Needless to say, everyone is pissed off with her racist tweet.

Wanda Sykes, who was a consulting producer on the sitcom, had this to say about it, “I will not be returning to @RoseanneOnABC.” According to TMZ, Sykes is friends with Jarrett. Seems like that friendship trumped whatever working relationship the two comedians had together. Back in 2014, Sykes was the EP of Last Comic Standing and Roseanne was one of the judges. Bruce Helford, who was the EP, worked with Sykes on her show back in the day.

Sykes was the second producer to leave the show since the season finale. Whitney Cummings was first because her schedule was too busy to do the show.

Sara Gilbert, who went from star of the show to EP and star, tweeted this before the cancellation, “Roseanne’s recent comments about Valerie Jarrett, and so much more, are abhorrent and do not reflect the beliefs of our cast and crew or anyone associated with our show. I am disappointed in her actions to say the least. This is incredibly sad and difficult for all of us, as we’ve created a show that we believe in, are proud of, and that audiences love— one that is separate and apart from the opinions and words of one cast member.”

When it comes to the revival, let’s be honest, it was not as good as the original. The cast did not have the same chemistry, the writing was painful and the acting felt forced. In a way, it is sad the show’s last episode is its last episode because is absolutely awful, like well…

Talking about last episodes, another reason why this cancellation is a big deal is that ABC is probably going to lose at least one of their biggest shows next season. It has long been rumored that Modern Family is ending. Not only that, I saw that Ellen Pompeo might be ready to hang up her lab coat which would most likely mean the end of Grey’s Anatomy. Plus, we all know that American Idol was not hit they were hoping for. This hole will be costly for them.

Will they vacate their Friday comedy hour and move Fresh Off the Boot and Speechless to Tuesday, moving one of their new sitcoms to Friday. Will they rush through a revival like Scrubs? It shall be interesting.

When it comes to Roseanne, she has not tweeted anything about the show’s cancellation. But she did tweet this, “I apologize to Valerie Jarrett and to all Americans. I am truly sorry for making a bad joke about her politics and her looks. I should have known better. Forgive me-my joke was in bad taste.” Too little, too late.
Emma Kenney, who played Roseanne’s granddaughter, tweeted, “I am hurt, embarrassed, and disappointed. The racist and distasteful comments from Roseanne are inexcusable.” Then she followed up that Tweet with :As I called my manager to quit working on Roseanne, I was told it was cancelled. I feel so empowered by @iamwandasykes , Channing Dungey and anyone at ABC standing up for morals and abuse of power. Bullies will NEVER win.” This girl is going to be a star, she was the best part about the revival.

Below is Michael Fishman’s statement about the cancellation. He played DJ, Roseanne’s son throughout the show’s entire run.


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