Seriously? OMG! WTF? » A Wheel of Fortune contestant accidentally knocked Ryan Seacrest down!
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[ # ] A Wheel of Fortune contestant accidentally knocked Ryan Seacrest down!
January 22nd, 2025 under Ryan Seacrest, Wheel of Fortune

Yesterday, on Wheel of Fortune, Ryan Seacrest had something happen to him that he will soon not forget.

Daniel made it to the final round and solved the puzzle milliseconds before the time was up. The contestant got so excited he gave the host a huge jumping hug. So huge that the host fell on his butt.

When Daniel realized what happened, he helped Seacrest up. Then, the fallen star would jokingly run away whenever Daniel came towards him.

Was Seacrest upset? Not at all. He told Daniel, “Don’t worry, I loved it.”

And I loved watching it happen! Is that wrong?


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