Seriously? OMG! WTF? » A washing machine for your pets
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[ # ] A washing machine for your pets
May 26th, 2009 under Animals

A French man has come up with a washing machine called Dog-O-Matic to clean your pets. He told the Daily Mail, ‘It doesn’t take long to wash the dog – usually a few minutes. The longest part is the drying. The dogs don’t seem to get bored. They just sit there and they come out clean.” The price for the service is pretty reasonable $28-$40 depending on the size of the animal. Pretty cool invention.
BTW when I saw the video of the cat in the machine, all I could think was if that was my cat in there, I hope that glass is bullet proof. Because if it were up to her, she would claw her way out of there and on to me.


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