Seriously? OMG! WTF? » A Tsunami hits 9-1-1
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[ # ] A Tsunami hits 9-1-1
September 30th, 2019 under Ryan Murphy

At the end of last week’s episode on 9-1-1, Buck (Oliver Stark), Eddie’s (Ryan Guzman) disabled son Christopher (Gavin McHugh) and thousands of people watched as the water disappeared from the Santa Monica Pier back into the ocean. Tonight at 8p on Fox, we find out why, a Tsunami.

The lifeguard tried to warn them as fast as he could, but there was not enough time. They ran as fast as they could, but they were caught up in the wave that took out Santa Monica.

As the wave settles, 9-1-1 in inundated with calls of trapped people asking out to get out of their cars and homes that are rapidly filling up with water. Several calls go dead because the person on the other end is, well, dead.

Even though those calls get disconnected, their system is still full. People cannot get through. People like Athena and the dozens of others who were involved in a pile-up further inland with her. She is trying to keep everyone calm and get the injured help. However, there is no one available that can help them. They need immediate assistance because there is a downed power line and the sewer system is backing up due to the excess water.

There is no one to help because all first responders are being sent to Santa Monica to rescue whatever survivors there are. LAFD Station 118 trades in their firetrucks for rafts. The first group of people they come across are a wedding party in a boat that what was in the ocean when the Tsunami hit. They only have a limited time to help them because the boat is filling up with water.

Talking about filling up with water, several of the nearby hospitals are flooded. Therefore the ones inland have no room for any new patients. It is up the Mandy (Jennifer Love Hewitt) to come up with a solution because there is nowhere for the injured to go.

If that is not enough to handle. What comes in, must go out. Just when they thought the levels settled, the ocean wants its water back.

I don’t know why I still watch 9-1-1 while I live in Los Angeles. It is scary as hell for me because what happens on the show can happen here and it does. Like they did a major earthquake last season and we had two in July. Even though the drama scares the crap out of me, I am too addicted to stop watching. It is too exciting for me to say no more. Who else feels the same way?

Especially when they do an episode like this one. The actors and crew did such a great job with a production, you feel like you are watching a movie and not a television show.


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