Seriously? OMG! WTF? » A makeover on the Steve Harvey show go horrifically wrong!
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[ # ] A makeover on the Steve Harvey show go horrifically wrong!
October 28th, 2013 under Steve Harvey

This Halloween on the Steve Harvey’s show the audience dresses up and a lucky few will get the ultimate costume makeover. One family was chosen to dress as the Munsters and let’s just say not everyone liked seeing their dad as Frankenstein. The two youngest kids clutched to their mother and cried when they saw father all dressed up for the holiday. And by the patriarch’s facial expression, it looks like he wants to cry too because he didn’t mean to horrify his kids like that. Either that or he just realized that sleeping alone and through the night is not something he is going to be doing in the future because his children will be up with nightmares for at least the next few nights.
BTW I really love his costume even though his offspring didn’t.


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