Seriously? OMG! WTF? » A deadly carnival ride on General Hospital
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[ # ] A deadly carnival ride on General Hospital
September 7th, 2009 under TV Soaps

Last week’s General Hospital has all been leading up to tomorrow’s deadly carnival ride on ABC. But the ride is not the one that came with the carnival, but actually a drugged by Andrea, Edward Quatermaine plowing into the carnival goers with his car. Most of the people we love in Port Charles came out to honor a charity set up for Michael, but not all of them will leave alive. One resident will die, but who it is we won’t know until it starts playing out tomorrow.
I wonder who it will be? I just really hope it is not Jake because how many kids can you take away from poor Jason. Although I kind have my wishes who it should be because some of the recent castings have not been working for me!
BTW GH is the best when it comes to these thrilling storylines. So make sure to check it out tomorrow on ABC when a carnival that should be a happy place turns into a sad one.


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