Seriously? OMG! WTF? » A bicycle built for one
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[ # ] A bicycle built for one
July 5th, 2006 under Paul McCartney/Heather Mills

SHAMED Heather Mills looks miserable as she goes for a cycle ride along a seafront yesterday. Heather, 38, — who split from Sir Paul McCartney and was then rocked by stories of her past life as a porn star — rode out near her home in Hove, East Sussex. She hid her eyes behind dark glasses and was dressed in sombre black and grey. An onlooker said: “I was amazed when I saw it was Heather Mills. She looked really grim-faced. “When anyone got in her way she shot them this really evil glare, like she was not to be messed with.” 
Looks like Karma is catching up with her. Or it could be that she really is about to settle for only £10 million?

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