Seriously? OMG! WTF? » A beaver pissing on live TV
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[ # ] A beaver pissing on live TV
November 12th, 2009 under TV News

via The Live Feed
So I guess I should suffer through morning TV because in the last two weeks I have missed out on some really awesome live moments. But thanks to James Hibberd, I get to find out about them on his blog!!! Two weeks ago we saw Drunk Ewoks on NBC’s Today Show, and now we are seeing a beaver piss on an anchor from CBS’s Early Show. Debbye Turner Bell handled it better than I would’ve because if a beaver’s piss squirted in my eye I would be screaming and begging for anything I could get my hands on to get it out. Actually what would’ve made that video even funnier is if the beaver’s piss squirted into her mouth! Now that would’ve been a classic!!!


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