Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Now you can play Cards Against Humanity with the kids!
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[ # ] Now you can play Cards Against Humanity with the kids!
August 19th, 2020 under Cards Against Humanity

Cards Against Humanity

Are you sick of giving your kids Benadryl to knock them out so that you can play Cards Against Humanity with your friends? Well, now you can play with them because there is a family edition of the best game ever made! It is PG-13, so they can play along and laugh at fart jokes like us. We might get old, but those jokes never do.

With 600 cards included in the box, we can have hours and hours of fun with our kids for once. Heck, since my friends’ kids are in school remotely, I am going to go over to their house at 1p and play with the adults while the kids are virtually learning and can’t play. This way they can what we do when they are in school. Now you know why they call me the Wicked Witch, and they have never seen Wizard of Oz.

Let’s say you are playing at night, and you have finally put the brats to sleep. Can you mix the Family Edition up with the other editions? CHA says, “We once heard of a man in Dubuque, Iowa who did this, and his butt exploded.” They reiterated, “Yes, it was quite serious. His entire butt exploded all over the place. If you still wish to tempt fate, please note that Family Edition cards are a little wider and have different backs than regular CAH cards.” Aren’t there a few cards about that in the adult editions?

Get the Family Edition now, so that you will have something to do for the holidays. It is not like we will be able to see our families this year because some a$$hole ate a raw bat in a wet market (not that type of wet market) and spread a killer virus all over the world.


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