Seriously? OMG! WTF? » There is a new Girl Scouts cookie flavor coming in 2021
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[ # ] There is a new Girl Scouts cookie flavor coming in 2021
August 18th, 2020 under Junk Food

Are you the type of person who gets all excited for Girl Scouts cookie season? Well, you have another reason to be excited, because they have a new flavor joining Thin Mints and Samoas. Coming in January, you can try the French toast–inspired Toast-Yay cookie. They taste like french toast and they are dipped in frosting to make it even sweeter. That makes it even harder to say no to them,

However, we will not be able to say no to the girls in front of our local supermarkets or dispensaries. That is because they will be doing virtual cookie booths for 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic. Now, when you go shopping on Amazon, Etsy, or Chewy, they will pop up offering you their sugar addicition. Just joking.

They actually will be on social media. Therefore, if you don’t want to be bombarded with their hard sell, unfollow all of the parents you know whose kids are girl scouts.


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