Summer Heights High is an HBO series which follows the journeys of multiple characters over one term in an average Australian public school.
Over one term, a documentary crew films the everyday activities at an average Australian public high school. Three individuals stand out – Mr G, an ego driven drama teacher on a mission to change the face of drama education; Ja’mie King, a bitchy private schoolgirl on a student exchange, set to make her mark; and Jonah Takalua, a mischievous schoolboy from Tonga with the odds stacked against him. The only characteristic they have in common is they are all played by writer and performer Chris Lilley. The characters take us through the seemingly huge traumas of friendship, staff politics, schoolwork and relationships that are the fabric of life in the school universe.
Hilarious, absurd and frequently shocking Summer Heights High reveals a world where small issues become huge, social groups are important, careers are built, young minds are moulded, hopes are shattered and dreams are realised.