Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Bambi’s mom’s death scene should be fun in the live-action version
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[ # ] Bambi’s mom’s death scene should be fun in the live-action version
January 25th, 2020 under Disney Kids

Whenever I hear that Disney is turning one of their classic cartoons into a live-action movie, I am so grateful I do not have kids. Now that The Hollywood Reporter is saying they are working on one for Bambi, I am sure parents feel the same way.

How are they going to start the movie after Bambi’s mom dies if they are in the theater? You know their kids are going to want to see it on the big screen. Imagine all the toddlers screaming and crying when they hear that fatal gunshot? All the parents having to explain what happened to her?

Maybe now, there is finally a Disney live-action remake I want to see in the theater!

Seriously, how can they do the film without that scene? It is Bambi’s defining moment and sets up the rest of the feature. It should be interesting to find out how they plan on handling that heart-wrenching scene.


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