Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Fighting Irish Spring
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[ # ] Fighting Irish Spring
September 21st, 2019 under Sports figures

The University of Georgia Bulldogs is playing Notre Dame Fighting Irish today in Athens, Georgia. Well, Dill’s Food City did not want anything Irish in their store for the game this week, so on Monday they told their costumers, “Sorry Dill’s customers there will be no Irish Spring at our stores this week. Go Dawgs!” They boxed up all of their soap and left the shelves empty.

When Irish Spring heard about it, they decided to send UGA a little care package of their product. Along with the present, they attached a little note that reads, “Hey @universityofga – Heard you were out of stock in Athens, GA. We’re sending a little luck your way. 🍀 Hoping for a good, clean game tomorrow! 🧼 #NDvsUGA 🏈”

And with that, I will now be using Irish Spring soap because they are bad a$$. Which means they will make my bad a$$ smell good.

Good thing we didn’t play Notre Dame when I was at the University of Miami. If there was any soap anywhere near the broadcasters during a game, then they would have used it to wash our mouths out with soap. That’s because our chant to ND was, “They suck. We swallow.” Which was actually one of our cleaner chants! It’s great to be a Miami Hurricane!


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