Seriously? OMG! WTF? » A Love Boat reunion!
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[ # ] A Love Boat reunion!
June 26th, 2019 under Jill Whelan

Back in 1977, the Pacific Princess set sail, and 42 years later the cast of The Love Boat is still friends. As you can see in this photo that Jill Whelan shared of herself with Fred Grandy and Ted Lange.

Vicki, Gopher and Isaac had dinner yesterday and I wonder what the three of them talked about. Besides all the good times they had on all of the trips they took with the show and all of the legendary stars they worked with for 9 seasons.

That is incredible enough, but I want a revival of the show with the OGs. I think now is the perfect time. One of the streaming sites can make it a weekly affair and use it to promote the old and new shows and movies that stream on their service. Plus, with a little more money than go to even more cool locations than they did the first go around.

I would book a ticket, wouldn’t you?


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