Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Duckie is doing Pretty in Pink on Thursday!!!
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[ # ] Duckie is doing Pretty in Pink on Thursday!!!
July 21st, 2008 under 80s

OMG! Jon Cryer is getting his Duckie on this Thursday for Diablo Cody and he will introduce Pretty in Pink at the New Beverly Cinema for her Mondo Diablo festival!!!  Like Eli Roth and Joe Dante, Oscar winner Diablo Cody is also programming two weeks at the New Beverly Cinema and getting some guests to intro their movies!!! And I am in awe that she got Jon Cryer to do anything with Pretty in Pink again. Now I want to know what she had to offer him? A role in her next movie or show? Or a private dance? Whatever she did…Thank you! And I will see you there on Thursday! I mean this is a must do for '80s movies lover, John Hughes line repeaters who lives in the LA radius!!!

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