Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 1975’s Snuff is available to own
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[ # ] 1975’s Snuff is available to own
May 10th, 2019 under Cheezy Flicks

When I was a kid, my father raised me on horror movies. For the most part, my mom was OK with that. However, she put her foot down when it came to the movie Snuff.

There were rumors that the woman who was killed in it, was actually killed in real life to make that scene look so real. I heard that she was dying of cancer, so she was willing to sacrifice herself for the film. That is why the movie was banned not only by my mom.

Years later, I finally got to see Snuff and it was so fake. I was so disappointed. I could not believe that people thought it was real.

Why am I telling you all of this? Cheezy Flicks is adding it to their list of reasonably priced awesome flicks to own!

This way you can see why this feature was so controversial for so many decades.


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