Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Chopping Mall’s Kelli Maroney is still running scared in malls
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[ # ] Chopping Mall’s Kelli Maroney is still running scared in malls
March 20th, 2019 under 80s

Tomorrow, the horror movie Chopping Mall turns the big 33 and its star Kelli Maroney is still running for her life in malls. Although, this time she has a very good reason to do so.

She wrote, “I spent most of #choppingmall running for my life from a #killbot (not featured behind me in most, if not all, of the shots). In honor of the 33rd Anniversary I’ve documented my experience here in #interpretivedance—- and you can, too!! Enter @Fangoria s ridiculous contest before Friday. Take a photo of yourself in a mall holding the CM Blu-ray and win!! #choppingmallinamall.” While the prize from Fangoria is lamer than us never getting a sequel to the film, it is still fun to do.

If you have never seen Chopping Mall, you can watch it for free on Tubi TV. Make it a Maroney double feature and follow it up with Night of the Comet, one of my favorite movies. I promise you, both features will give you a whole new appreciation of malls.


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