Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Kid Rock has a problem with anger management?
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[ # ] Kid Rock has a problem with anger management?
January 1st, 2007 under Pamela Anderson

A jealous Kid Rock blew a fuse early Sunday and went knocking on the wrong door. I hear the estranged husband of Pamela Anderson showed up at the Hard Rock Hotel at 6 a.m. on Sunday and began violently pounding on a door. Anderson’s ex-husband, Tommy Lee, was performing at The Joint at the Hard Rock Hotel on New Year’s Eve with his new band, Rock Star: Supernova. When the damaged door opened, Kid Rock found himself facing a total stranger. The rocker apologized, according to my spy, signed an autograph for the startled person and went on his way.

Norm Clarke 

Looks like Pamela dodged a real bullet by divorcing him?


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