Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Some big changes are coming to the Oscars
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[ # ] Some big changes are coming to the Oscars
August 8th, 2018 under Oscars

Let’s be honest, the Oscars are a real snore. People you don’t care about are nominated for films you have not seen. It is a long boring show that puts you to sleep. Within a few days, you don’t even remember who won Best Picture. Can you tell me who because I honestly don’t remember?

Well, they are adding a new category that will honor popular films. Translation, movies that we have seen and heard of. I am OK with this, but those films should be nominated for their merit because, let’s be real, Wonder Woman was better than The Post.

They are also cutting down on the number of categories that will be shown live on the air. They will still be presented on that night, but instead, they will be taped during commercial breaks. Then an edited version will air later during the show.

While I think that is a good idea. I think they need to cut down on the unfunny jokes between the presenters and long drawn out montages that add nothing to the show.

Another change won’t come until 2020, and they are moving the show up to the second Sunday of February. Which means awards season won’t be drawn out.

Will this be enough to get the awards show ratings again? We will find out on February 25th, the day after the 2019 Oscars.

Does this make you want to watch the Academy Awards again or have you been done with them for a while now? I am so over them.


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