Seriously? OMG! WTF? » William Shatner explains why he does not sign autographs in public
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[ # ] William Shatner explains why he does not sign autographs in public
July 19th, 2018 under William Shatner

For almost 50 years, William Shatner has one of the most sought-after signatures, but it is not easy to get your hands on one. That is because the actor notoriously does not sign them in public.

Yesterday, he revealed on Twitter, why he does not do it. He explained, “Anytime I’m out in public I’m doing something- going to a meeting, taking my grandchildren to the park, having a meal, traveling to a meeting or an event, etc… I value my personal time above all else. That’s why I go to conventions & come here- to make myself accessible.”

Then as more fans asked him about it, he added, “I sign autographs constantly for charities and other organizations. I’m just not going to take autograph or photo requests in public because one leads to fifty which leads to hundreds which I don’t have time for.”

When he puts it like that, it makes sense. It would be nice to get that photograph with him or his autograph, but it would suck for him to spend a lot of his personal time doing that. Especially, since he does make himself available at conventions and such. He definitely does a lot of fan events throughout the year, so you can understand why he just wants some time to be by himself.


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