Have you been debating whether or not to have kids and wish there was a sign that would help you make that decision? Jerry O’Connell gave us that sign when he shared a video of himself sitting between his twin girls, Dolly and Charlie. One kept poking his face as the other one kept saying, “daddy,” over and over again.
If that does not send you to BJ’s for a carton of condoms, then you are ready to be a parent. Ladies, if you went to your doctor after watching this and asked them to refill your birth control pills for another 5 years, then you are not ready. I went to my doctor’s office and then did a quick stop at BJ’s, so I think you know my answer.
Since you won’t be having kids anytime soon, you can watch the trailer for O’Connell’s new show Carter. You will have plenty of time to watch it now that you don’t have any kids to call out your name and/or poke you.