Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Harvey update
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[ # ] Harvey update
January 4th, 2007 under Jordan/Peter Andre/Harvey, Sick Bay

JORDAN’S disabled son suffered serious burns when he stepped into abath and ran scalding water over himself after slipping away from his mum. The Sun told how glamour girl Jordan was “worried sick” after partially-sighted HARVEY, four, was injured on New Year’s Eve. Last night a pal revealed how his right leg was stripped of skin below the knee after he wandered unseen from a family gathering. There are now fears the lad, who was born with crippling disabilities, may be scarred for life. Harvey was fully clothed when he stepped into the bath at pregnant Jordan’s new £3million home in Ockley, Surrey, and turned on the 60°C hot tap. Last night it was unclear how long he remained in the water before he was discovered. But sources said that his injuries were inadvertently made worse when he was found as his frantic rescuer tore off his trousers, taking skin with them. A source close to Jordan, 28, said: “It’s a million-to-one freak accident. “No one could have stopped it.” Jordan and husband PETER ANDRE, 33, have been keeping a bedside vigil as Harvey recovers at a London hospital.

The Sun 

This poor kid has been through so much, it is so sad. I he gets better soon and I hope he will not be in too much pain.


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