Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Hilary Swank has seen better days!
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[ # ] Hilary Swank has seen better days!
December 22nd, 2017 under Better Days, Hilary Swank

Hilary Swank is working on a movie and in it she gets beat up. After a long day of filming, she just wanted to get off set and forgot to take off her makeup. As she was driving home, she stopped off to get something and then something interesting happened to her. She says, “Saw an adorable baby sitting next to me. Coo’d at it and said to it’s mom, ‘oh my gosh he’s so cute! Don’t you just want to chew on those cheeks!’ She looked over at me, gasped horrified and said, ‘Uuuhhh, um, she doesn’t really like that’. Then she moved tables. Didn’t know why until I got home. Oops” The morale of the story is, actors make sure to take off your makeup before you go to eat out!


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