Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Britney Spears hospitalized after custody dispute with K-Fed
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[ # ] Britney Spears hospitalized after custody dispute with K-Fed
January 4th, 2008 under Britney Spears

(photo of Jayden (x17) and Britney (ET))

I hate to start this post this way, but there is no other way to say it…but Britney finally lost it.
What a day for Britney Spears, she finally showed up for her deposition in the custody battle for the boys 105 minutes late dressed in a nice dress. Looked like things were looking up for her, but less than 10 hours later she was taken to the hospital for an “unknown substance” and a mental evaluation after a 2 stand-off with K-Fed to give him back his boys. She is currently being evaluated at Cedars-Sinai in Beverly Hills, but not much is known of her condition according to KCBS at 5a.
Jayden James was also taken the hospital, but it is not known why. K-Fed, her dad and Sam Lufti were all seen going into the hospital to check on her.
This is so sad, maybe she has finally reached that breaking point but then again we all said that after she shaved her head.
I have a feeling that she will lose all custody of the boys after this, so this might not be the lowest she will go.
I don’t know why, but this just breaks my heart. We have seen her wild antics and laughed about them, but now it is just evident she is beyond help. Hopefully she will get the help she needs, but she is just in her own world and sadly might not.
UPDATE: According to Us Weekly both Jayden James and Sean Preston were released from the hospital at 4:15a. Plus they got an update from someone at the hospital about Britney:

A hospital source tells that Spears has been designated a “special needs” patient, meaning “they have either overdosed or tried to commit suicide. So we go stay with these patients and monitor them constantly. We watch them so they don’t hurt themselves and watch the people who come visit them to make sure they don’t pass anything to them.”


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