Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Amy Winehouse’s dad is getting some bad advice
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[ # ] Amy Winehouse’s dad is getting some bad advice
December 18th, 2007 under Amy Winehouse

(photo from Daily Mail)
Amy Winehouse's dad Mitch has spoken out why he has not dragged Amy in to rehab according to ITN.
The 57-year-old told a magazine: "People wonder why the family don't drag her by her hair into rehab. Believe me, my first instinct is to get hold of her, pick her up and take her back to my house and lock her away. But I've spoken to the finest drug counsellors in the world, and they've said that is exactly the wrong thing to do."
I guess there saying she has to want to do it, but there is a certain point where you can't wait for the person to admit that they have a problem. I feel for her dad because he wants to help her, but he just can't. Hopefully she will keep to her promise of entering rehab next month.

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