Seriously? OMG! WTF? » A peacock walks into a liquor store
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[ # ] A peacock walks into a liquor store
June 6th, 2017 under Animals

Royal Oaks Liquor Store is used to getting a lot of customers in to their Arcadia, Ca store, but the other day they got one they never expected. A peacock wondered in and could not find his way out. He flew around knocking down bottles in his path causing them around $500 worth of damage according to KCBS. Eventually, Animal Control was able to capture the bird and send him to a happier place. Although, I am not sure what is happier than being trapped in a liquor store and having free range at all of that alcohol?

BTW if you come across a peacock, leave him alone. Since he is an endangered species, you can be fined up to $1,000 and up to 6 months of jail just for feeding him. No, word how much trouble you would get into for getting him drunk.


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