Seriously? OMG! WTF? » He said she, she said he?
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[ # ] He said she, she said he?
December 5th, 2007 under John Travolta

(photo from WireImage)
According to AP John Travolta and Jodie Foster are getting their sexual identities wrong at The Hollywood Reporter Power 100 breakfast.
John Travolta said:
"I woke up saying, 'What dress do I wear today,'" Travolta quipped. "Because I'm a woman who believes in the power of women, I said, 'Wear the suit.'"
Jodie Foster said:
Foster characterized herself as a "professional" and a "gentleman." But she also said that after working in entertainment for 42 years, "there's no way you can do that and not be as nutty as a fruitcake."
I say:
Huh? I am so confused 

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