Seriously? OMG! WTF? » That is a lot of Osmonds!
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[ # ] That is a lot of Osmonds!
November 9th, 2007 under The Osbournes

Even though they are one less Osmond then they were a week ago, they all came out for a family reunion on The Oprah Winfrey Show. George Osmond's 9 children brought their 55 children and those 55 brought their 48 kids (with a more on the way) to Chicago to tape Oprah's show and celebrate the life of their father/grandfather/great grandfather who passed away on Tuesday morning.
If you miss all 122 Osmonds on Oprah today, catch it the next time it air because they are infectious and the show was amazing. They might close to 50 and over, but they can still dance and sing!
Long live the Osmonds!!!

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