Nano is 20 years old and she looks normal enough, but the Norwegian woman thinks she is a cat. She told NRK that at 16 she was diagnosed as being a cat due a genetic defect at birth.
Nano is so serious about her identity that she wears ears, paws and a tail like a feline. She meows, purrs and also hisses at dogs that come to close to her. Sometimes she likes to hang out by the door and scratch at it, so that someone will let her out to play.
I say as long as she isn’t hurting anyone, let her be who she wants to be. But my Norwegian Forest Cat thinks she is cray cray. You should’ve seen her face when Nano started to meow, like what is going on here?
Personally, I would love to live like cat. It is the purrfect life, eat, drink, sleep and play. What more do you want? Sex, well they have animal sex, literally!