Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Mandy Patinkin gone from Criminal Minds?
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[ # ] Mandy Patinkin gone from Criminal Minds?
July 12th, 2007 under CBS, Mandy Patinkin

Watch with Kristin has interesting story about Mandy Patinkin and his CBS show Criminal Minds. They are saying that he did not show up for a table read of the show and that he might no longer be part of the show. Maybe just maybe now he will considering being part of the straight-to-DVD movie for Dead Like Me, but I doubt that. I also find it interesting that he is the one rumored to be off the show when you consider how Shemar Moore spent his summer vacation, you know getting arrested for DUI and having nude pictures taken of him at a beach. Maybe CBS will pull Criminal Minds while they retool show and put on Jericho instead???


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