Seriously? OMG! WTF? » E! made the right choice by dumping Joan and Melissa Rivers!!!
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[ # ] E! made the right choice by dumping Joan and Melissa Rivers!!!
February 19th, 2007 under Awards

E!’s Ryan Seacrest and Giuliana Depandi trounced the TV Guide Channel’s mother/daughter team of Joan and Melissa Rivers again this year, as the Golden Globes red-carpet rivalry unfolded. E!’s Live From the Red Carpet, which ran 6-8 p.m. ET, earned a 2.07 household rating, slightly ahead of last year’s rating, according to early numbers. It built steadily on the quarter-hours and peaked at a 2.98 rating, 10% higher than last year’s peak. TV Guide Channel’s red-carpet coverage, featuring the famously catty Rivers duo, also running 6-8 p.m., earned a 0.7 household rating, a 17% increase over last year’s numbers.

Broadcasting and Cable 

I have been over her obnoxious comments for years. I never understand why stars are still talking to her on the red carpet, do you?


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