Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Adam Scott and Jason Schwartzman talk about their fake penises
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[ # ] Adam Scott and Jason Schwartzman talk about their fake penises
June 25th, 2015 under Conan O'Brien

Adam Scott and Jason Schwartzman are starring together in a movie called The Overnight and in it they are nude most of the time. Tonight, when they were on Conan, the TBS wanted to know more about it.
Even though they were both completely naked, they really weren’t. You see, they both wore prosthetic penises to hide their real ones. They became so comfortable in them that they walked around the set without anything on but it. Which made everyone butt themselves very uncomfortable.
Schwartzman was more comfortable in his skin because his fake penis is 9 1/2″ long, so you can’t blame him for wanting to show it off. Unfortunately for him, he accidentally showed it off to his kid’s teacher. Even thought it made things awkward for them, he has seen a lot of benefits from it. So fellas, now you know the secret on how to get your kids’ teacher to give you stuff. Are you ready to take a photo of yourself with a fake penis for the fringe benefits?
BTW I lost count, but is that the most time that penis was mentioned on late night talk show? It definitely felt that way.


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