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[ # ] Lost getting lost soon?
May 4th, 2007 under Lost

Watch with Kristin and Planet Gossip are reporting that ABC will be making an announcement shortly about the end of Lost. Seems that ABC and the producers of Lost have come to an agreement about how many more episodes they want to do for the show. It was originally reported that Lost would be going for another 2 years, but they updated the timeline and say it might even be less than that.  There was talk during the midseason upfronts that the show would end after 100 episodes and they just aired the 67th one which means there would be only 33 left. Since the average show airs 22 episodes a season, that mean less than a season and a half left. I am not sure I like knowing that Lost will have finite episode amount left, but they did point out at least the writers will finally give us some answers. And that is something we have all been waiting for!!!
They also said that it looks like Lost will start in January (a la 24) and run without repeats for the whole season. That means we will have to wait about 8 months for a new Lost. That would be torturous because you know that they will have a major cliffhanger like they do every season and that is a long time to wait and will we wait? 

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