Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Behold the Ramen Donut
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[ # ] Behold the Ramen Donut
November 14th, 2014 under Uncategorized

We’ve heard of the Cronut, now we have the Ranuts. Culinary Bro-Down created the latest donut craze and this one is made with Ramen Noodles.
So how do they taste? The creator described them as, “They’re starchy, they’re crispy, they’re covered in frosting and stuffed with custard — that’s about all I can tell you. I enjoyed them in my mouth, I enjoyed them a lot.” Then he tells his reader to make them for themselves and includes the recipe. So if you are daring enough to try one, check out his site to learn how to make them.
Part me wants to try one, and then the other part is like are you crazy?


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