Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Spend the afternoon with Jordan and Pete Andre on E! on April 21st!
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[ # ] Spend the afternoon with Jordan and Pete Andre on E! on April 21st!
April 12th, 2007 under Jordan/Peter Andre/Harvey

(photo from INF Daily
E! has announced that on Saturday April 21st at 2p, they will be airing a three hour marathon of Jordan and Pete Andre's show, Katie and Peter. The three episodes that they are airing are, "When Jordan Met Peter," "Jordan and Peter: Laid Bare" and "Marriage and Mayhem." After the marathon the show will be airing on Saturdays at 2p.
You know with all that us bliggers have been doing on them, I have to admit I am totally curious to see what they are all about! And we get to see cute little Harvey!!! 

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